
Using EVIE Autonomous Technology to Increase Efficiency in Logistics Industries

The supply chain sector is undergoing a transformation, driven by global trends such as widespread workforce shortages and the impact of technology. These trends are forcing businesses to rethink the role of supply chains, no longer viewing them as a fixed cost but rather as an operational and strategic priority.

The logistics industry is facing a number of challenges, including a shortage of workers, rising fuel prices, and increasing demand for deliveries. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to address these challenges and improve efficiency in the logistics industry.

According to a recent study by the World Economic Forum, the global shortage of truck drivers is expected to reach 80 million by 2030. This shortage is being driven by a number of factors, including retirements, the decline of the trucking industry, and the lack of interest in the profession among young people. Autonomous vehicles could help to address this shortage by providing a reliable and cost-effective way to transport goods. In addition, autonomous vehicles could help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, which would be beneficial for the environment.

The Covid-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on the logistics industry. The pandemic has led to an increase in demand for online deliveries, as people had been staying home much more throughout, and have still since. This increase in demand has put a strain on the logistics industry, and autonomous vehicles could help to alleviate this strain.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that autonomous vehicles could reduce logistics costs by up to 30%. The global logistics industry is worth over $10 trillion, and logistics industries employ over 100 million people worldwide. The average cost of a long-haul truck driver is over $50,000 per year, the average fuel consumption of a long-haul truck is over 5 mpg, and the average carbon emissions of a long-haul truck are over 200 tons per year. This reduction in costs would be due to these eliminated factors, including the elimination of fuel costs, increased profits, and increased efficiency thanks to autonomous vehicles.

In conclusion, the logistics industry needs autonomous vehicles to increase efficiency. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to address the challenges facing the logistics industry, such as the shortage of workers and rising fuel prices. Autonomous vehicles could also help to reduce emissions and improve the environment.

The Benefits of Automated Logistics

Using autonomous technology for logistics and delivery services is a unique and innovative strategy that increases efficiency and productivity within the industry. Efficient, direct delivery to remote locations that may not have the facilities otherwise. Autonomous medical delivery benefits those physically unable to get to a pharmacy or medical centre

EVIE autonomous vehicles can operate 24/7, without the need for breaks or sleep, leading to significant increases in efficiency, as well as reduced costs. Autonomous vehicles are also equipped with sensors and software that can help them avoid accidents which can lead to a significant reduction in accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

Reduced emissions are a huge benefit to automating logistics, autonomous vehicles drive in a more fuel-efficient manner meaning we will see a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.

EVIE autonomous vehicles can be used to provide more personalised and efficient delivery services, improving customer service. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty as an added benefit.

The Technicalities

A variety of sensors assist autonomous vehicles in their operation such as Cameras, EVIE’s AI Radar, and many other sensors that help them to perceive their surroundings. These sensors are used to generate a 3D model of the environment, which is used to plan and execute safe and efficient movements.
Autonomous vehicles are also equipped with sophisticated software that is used to control the vehicle’s movement, as well as to interact with other vehicles and pedestrians. This software is constantly being updated to improve the performance of the vehicle.

Communication is vital between autonomous vehicles and infrastructure, such as traffic lights and road signs. This communication is essential for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of autonomous vehicles.

EVIE Cargo Pods can operate both within and outside of a building unlike traditional Automated Machine Robots (AMRs). Advancing Efficiency and Safety with a Scaleable and Flexible Autonomous Logistics Platform.